1Stock Code: 000553(200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B) NO. 2024-49ADAMA Ltd.Announcement on Abnormal Stock Trading FluctuationsThe Company and all members of the Company’s Board of Directors confirm that all information disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete, with no false or misleading statement or material omission.I. Overview about the Abnormal Stock Trading FluctuationsThe A-share of ADAMA Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as the“Company”, stock abbreviation: ADAMA A and stock code: 000553)experienced abnormal stock trading fluctuations defined in relevantprovisions of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, which, to be specific, relates to acumulative deviation of more than 20% when comparing its closing pricedecline with Shenzhen Composite Index for the past three consecutivetrading days from October 30th to November 1st, 2024.II. Notes of the Company after Verifying Relevant SituationIn response to the abnormal fluctuation of the stock price, the Boardof Directors of the Company has conducted a comprehensive self-examination and verified with the controlling shareholder and the actualcontroller in respect of relevant situation. The following information ishereby provided.21. There is no information disclosed by the Company in the previousperiod in need of correction and supplement.2. As of the disclosure date of this Announcement, the Company has notfound any recent coverage by any mass media on undisclosed informationof material significance that may have or has had any substantive impacton its trading stock price.3. There is neither material change to the Company 's operation nor in theinternal and external business environment recently.4. The Company, its controlling shareholder and the actual controller donot have any material matters concerning itself that should be disclosed buthave not been disclosed.5. Neither the controlling shareholder nor the actual controller of theCompany has traded its shares during the period of abnormal stockfluctuations.6. After confirmation with its controlling shareholder and the actualcontroller, they did not plan any transaction between the Company and thecontrolling shareholder that would constitute material asset restructuringor acquisition of assets by share issuance of the Company. The Company,its controlling shareholder and the actual controller promise that they willnot plan any transaction between the Company and the controllingshareholder within the next three months that constitutes material assetrestructuring or acquisition of the controlling shareholder’s assets by share3issuance of the Company.III. Explanation about Whether there is any Information that shouldbe Disclosed but has not been Disclosed.The Board of Directors of the Company confirms that currently, itdoes not have any matter that should be disclosed but has not beendisclosed in accordance with provisions of the Rules Governing the L istingof Stocks of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, or any planning, negotiation,intention or agreement relating to such matter.The Board of Directors has not learnt that the Company has anyundisclosed information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosedin accordance with provisions of the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocksof the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, which may have a substantive impact onits trading stock price as well as the derivatives.There is also no information disclosed in the previous period thatrequires correction or supplementation.IV. Risk Reminder1. It is verified by self-examination the Company has no violation againstfair disclosure of information.2. As a serious reminder, the Company has designated “China SecuritiesJournal”, “Securities Times” and CNINFO website(www.cninfo.com.cn)4as the prevailing media for its information disclosure. Investors are herebyreminded to pay attention to investment risks.ADAMA Ltd.November 4th, 2024